PARTNERS Academic Summer School 2022
Newcastle University - Geography, Politics and Sociology
Time for a revival? A historical review of the social survey in Great Britain and the United States(National Centre for Research Methods, pp. 1-25)
Social Surveys
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populationas a meaningful concept
collective social entities
populationas a meaningful concept
collective social entities
Life and Labour of the People of London(1889)
the elaboration of an adequate technique for expressing qualitative concepts and arguments about society in precise numerical terms(Abrams 1951:41)
complete enumerationbecame increasingly challenged both on practical and theoretical grounds
complete enumerationbecame increasingly challenged both on practical and theoretical grounds
perhaps the earliest piece of sociological research to be based on a questionnaire sent to a sample of a particular population(Goldthorpe 2021)
complete enumerationbecame increasingly challenged both on practical and theoretical grounds
perhaps the earliest piece of sociological research to be based on a questionnaire sent to a sample of a particular population(Goldthorpe 2021)
eugenicsproject undermined his influence within sociology (cf. Hobhouse, Ginsberg and the institutionalisation of British sociology at the LSE)
true miniatureof a population
Social surveys in practice